Re/max Innovative Properties
Jessica Jussif
Jessica Jussif, Re/max Innovative PropertiesPhone: (603) 490-4914

The basics of adopting a rabbit

by Jessica Jussif 08/04/2024

If you want a quiet, clean and adorable pet, consider adopting a rabbit. Pet rabbits can make wonderful animal companions for upwards of ten years. While domestic rabbits are relatively easy to care for, there are important factors in determining if they make the right pet for you and your household. 

If you’re planning to adopt a rabbit, make sure you do the following:

Do your research

When considering a rabbit friend, there are some important things to research ahead of time. 

  • Budget: Rabbits need proper housing and supplies to be happy and healthy. Estimate the costs to see if adopting fits into your current budget.
  • Breed: Rabbits have unique personalities, not necessarily related to their breed. However, there are many choices of physical and temperamental characteristics to choose from.
  • Where to adopt: Decide where you will get your new pet. Adopting through a rescue or shelter is often ideal, since rabbits are often litter box trained and socialized before adoption.
  • Medical care: Find a rabbit savvy veterinarian in your area for checkups and help with any health problems.

Have the right supplies

Some key supplies you’ll need for a pet rabbit include:

  • Food (rabbit pellets, grass hay, vegetables) and fresh water.
  • Simple indoor housing like a puppy pen.
  • A litter box and rabbit-safe litter.
  • Toys for exercise and mental stimulation.
  • Heavy food and water bowls.

If you’re unsure what else you might need for your new rabbit, consult your shelter or veterinarian for more ideas.

Prepare your home & household

To rabbit proof your home, consider protecting your furniture and baseboards from chew damage. Wood chair legs are especially susceptible to damage from rabbit’s teeth. You’ll also want to protect or hide any exposed wires or cables within your rabbit’s reach.

Be patient & welcoming

It can take time for a pet to adapt to their new environment. Be patient and sensitive to your rabbit’s needs to make sure they’re not overwhelmed. While they are social creatures, they also like their alone time, so make sure they have a place they can go hide under shelter.

Rabbits can make an excellent addition to your home life. With the right preparation and supplies, you can provide a happy and healthy life for your new furry friend.

About the Author

Jessica Jussif

With over 18 years of experience, Jessica is licensed New Hampshire and Massachusetts. A proud member of the National Association of Realtors, Jessica values the highest code of ethics and standards expected of her. As a seller’s agent, she uses the most current market information to properly value the property. In addition, with her experience she is able to assist sellers on the best ways to improve homes so they can solicit the highest offers. Jessica works with a cutting edge marketing & social networking firm to obtain the maximum exposure for all of her listings. Known for her negotiating skills, she has a passion for working with buyers providing knowledge of what to expect & peace of mind throughout the process. In addition to what Jessica provides as a buyers agent, she works closely with a team of experts so it’s a “one stop shop” for all her buyers. In addition to her real estate career, Jessica is also a licensed loan originator in N.H. Combined with her expertise in both real estate, mortgages and finance, Jessica has a full understanding on the home buying and selling process. In today's real estate market it is so important for sellers and buyers to work with an agent who has great skill set and experience.